By Noname - 12/03/2009 22:08 - United States

Today, my cat was in the bathroom with me. I was getting undressed to get into the shower. My cat looked at me after I'd undressed and then threw up all over the rug. FML
I agree, your life sucks 150 410
You deserved it 22 966

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Bubs_fml 0

Eh, cats just tend to vomit at inopportune times. Don't sweat it. It's just like how dogs only seem to hump things when you have company over.


its probly not for looking at you, but thats still hilarious!!

Funny, but no where near fml... Obviously animals can't tell the difference between what makes humans ugly or not. Come back when a guy throws up after looking at you.

just remember: cats don't lie you must be hideous

wrestler_fml 0

#19.... you're so stupid that you don't deserve to live. Go jump in front of the subway. Spare America the taxpayer money that will be spent SPED-ing, jailing and rehabilitating your offspring. To the speaker: Why are YOU complaining? You obviously haven't had to work hard or exercise much, if you could be that ugly. You also haven't been underfed either. Be glad you're in America! The CAT is the thing that I feel sorry for. He has to live a tough animal life, eating that crappy cat food, and he can't even go into the damn bathroom without having to puke by looking at his grossly obese owner (who then proceeds to write an undeserved "FML" for HIMSELF instead of the cat!). ...That, or the cat simply had a hair-ball/stomach virus and had to throw up. Either way, it sucks for the cat, not for you. ---------------- Lastly, to the speaker: If this really, truly bothers you that much that you have to complain to billions of people on the internet about it.... then why not simply take the initiative, get off your butt, and exercise? It's really not that hard. And if you get good at a sport, the lifting and running is that much more fun, since you have a purpose for doing it.

I wish it had puked on your face for this totally wasted FML. Cats obviously have no grasp of human appearence, and thus accepting the coincidence that your cat was sick while you we're undressing implies you're hideous makes you a self-conscious moron. Though I don't doubt the likelihood of your being hideous, please have the decency to restrain yourself from posting stories of your paranoid antics here. I want to read stories about people having serious unfortunate things happen to them, not people creating unfortunate circumstances for themselves. Two thumbs up, yours.

i dont think it waz cuz of u. lol though