By paprgrl421 - 13/05/2009 17:14 - United States
paprgrl421 tells us more.
He was local, no I didn't respond. I live in a less densely populated area (i.e. small town) so it's very easy to see where he was from. I can even pinpoint his cellular carrier by his area code+***. That's how few places offer cell service in wisconsin
Top comments
lol 58, agreed!!! i don't see anything wrong with that. he's not any more a stranger than anyone you meet online, and the only difference between that and meeting someone in a bar or something is that you can actually see them. you'd know just as little about them, anyway. go for it, just make sure you meet somewhere public, just like you would anyone you don't really know.
How would you be able to look and see if he was local by his number, when its a mobile? :/ And I don't think that's desperate, it's just something that was meant to happen. Even if it comes to nothing, I wouldn't call yourself desperate. People meet in different ways, this just happens to be one of those random things that happened to you! I'm just curious now as to what happened next :3
hey, i had a boyfriend once that i met over the phone at a friend's house. it all started with "you have a sexy voice..."
I've had that happen to me before. I told him I was under 18. It sounded a little too creepy stalkerish for my taste. Oh, and I'm not gay anyway.
Seems the general consensus it that this is either a) creepy and stalkerish, or b) cute and romantic in a kooky, 'Amelie' type way. You could ask him on a daytime coffee date if you wanted to get to know him; if he's not interested in that, chances are he was just feeling 'lonely' that night too. I guess everyone is a stranger before you get to know them...
Haha that has totally happened to me before.. creepers!
So, was he local ?
#61 was unnecessary and stupid
hey you never know what can happen = ) maybe he'll be perfect. Give it a try = )
Ha ha.. So, how's the relationship been?
Sadly enough, I wish that would happen to me