By fuck yuo - 01/09/2012 20:50 - Canada - Saint John's

Today, my clumsiness has reached such legendary proportions in my family, that when I visited my grandparents, I found they'd put stickers all over their glass doors, so I wouldn't have "yet another painful accident". FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 549
You deserved it 5 123

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Psych101 9

If OP was on that show, don't you think OP would be... you know... dead?


My mom makes fun of me all the time for being clumsy :p

LappDance 16

Does anyone ever tell you that you look like Sue from "The Middle"?

SeedlessMe 13

Lol -18 same here! I then turn around and tell her it's her fault for giving me poor motor skills ;)

jenniiienyc 5

That is actually a really good idea. It's good they'd rather prevent you from doing that than keep laughing when you run into the glass. Go grandparents! :)

Now you'll be so engrossed in reading the fun, exciting stickers that you'll forget to stop walking, and faceplant anyway.

It's okay, my daughter was like that as a teen, she was a walking accident! She's 30 now, and not clumsy. She outgrew it a long time ago.

Poetic_Potion 4

At least they wanna keep you safe , like a little baby . Aha . FYL .

Nanael_fml 4

Sounds like it's just you that's clumsy. Seeing astho nothing was mentioned of anybody else

miyaviichan 27

Watch where you're going. I hate clumsy bitches.

It would have been a lot better without the 'I hate clumsy bitches' part. I hate rude assholes.

Michael_92 20

That's one hell of a sentence you wrote there OP.