By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 18:39 - United States

Today, my company filed for bankruptcy, but the reorganize kind where it still functions. There are no funds to give out paychecks any time soon. They won't fire me. If I voluntarily quit, I cannot file for unemployment. I'm now an unpaid intern. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 028
You deserved it 2 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually, that is illegal (at least in my state). By law they are required to pay you, by the conditions outlined by your employment, for the work you have done for a week by the following Friday, if they can't pay you they have to terminate you.

You best start stealing as much crap as you can then, remember all the money is in Forks, no one wants spoons nowadays.


FYL, dude. That's horrible. If they won't fire you, can you just not show up and then find another job?

apply for vacation for a couple of months. you're not getting paid either way and you could go hunt for a new job during the vacation.

Fake. Companies, Unions, and Bankruptcy courts have lawyers, they'd never let that happen.

CRCS2009 0

I'm not entirely 100% sure about this, but a few years back I worked with a guy who's pay was severely cut but remained employed. Because of that, he was able to collect a "partial unemployment", but continue to work there so long as his pay was below a certain point. Might be something to look into.

Clay_Allison 0

#35 A small enough company might try that crap. Anonymous: If you think they are never going to pay (going under) show up and don't be productive, at all. Spend all day on your cell phone looking for other jobs. If they ask you to work, get in the way and play dumb without doing anything that would allow them to deny you unemployment. If you think the company will survive, hang in there they have to give you your back pay eventually if they don't go out of business.

Kristoffer 35

Depending on what state you're in, if you quit with cause you can draw unemployment - at least, that's how it works in Utah. I'd say not getting paid is sufficient cause to quit.

What's keeping your from not having to go in now? Just ignore your duties for a while and find another job. They'll figure out the message pretty soon I think... ;)

People saying to do crazy things clearly aren't grown up yet. You're an intern. You don't become an intern to get paid. You do it for the experience. Get another job, but still stay at the company.

thescrutonator 0

It's hard to say whether you should quit anyway since either way, sounds like you're not getting any money. But if you do quit, your next FML would probably end up being "Today, I quit my job because I ended up not getting paid due to bankruptcy. As soon as I quit, the employees started getting their paychecks again."