By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt. The truth is, I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 949
You deserved it 99 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.


OP: If you want to fix it, the only way is to be honest. When I first met my boyfriend, I thought he was a complete dick and player because of how he talked and bragged. He had a huge crush on me but I repeatedly rejected him coldly. But when I saw him stop acting and putting on a show, and when he was honest, I saw he was actually an amazing, sweet guy. Be honest. Some girls like the bad-boy turned good-innocent guy thing.

JudgeComrade 17

Social Darwinism hard at work.

i think the term you want is man *****? a swinger is a married person that likes to swap partners with other couples

gatorgirl7563 22

When you were a kid, didn't your parents read you stories about the liitle boy who cried "Wolf!" before bedtime?

Just tell the truth and fix your mistake.

maybe you should learn to shut the **** up.