By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt. The truth is, I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 949
You deserved it 99 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.


the truth is your an idiot. chicks love swingers, your just a liar with no game.

DawnMarie11 0

well I can't say I feel sorry for you op! you created this problem for yourself. ydi

Ayy I got that same problem bro, except pretty much every girl still wants me.. so sucks for you. just find a ****!

Haaaley147 0
lilbeast01 2

Sucks to be you bro. Ima man hoe and I still get alot.

maddy23a 5

ahh karma, thou are a heartless bit**