By Anonymous - 23/07/2011 23:53 - United States

Today, my constant bragging to friends caught up with me, and everyone believes I'm a swinger. Because of this, no girl wants to go out with me, in case they become just another notch under my belt. The truth is, I'm still a virgin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 949
You deserved it 99 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

well, it's obviously your fault because you constantly lied.


o8poa8o 0

I was in that boat for awhile, but I turned down a good amount of girls then got over my own issues and now it's alll gravy, guessing you got some too if your making shit up.

Been there... I was the school ***** and everyone of the guys thought it was funny to pay me and say they slept with me too... I'm still a virgin and all the lies I told bite me in the ass

Except that it wasn't you, but a movie plot.

Hey, this could be come a romantic love story: you have a terrible reputation, a girl meets you and falls in love with you despite it, you tell her the truth, she either a) gets mad but forgives you (in true romance movie fashion) or b) doesn't care because she loves you. Yep, this is a rom-com waiting to happen.

No girl wants to go out with u coz u sound like a douch

512bigt 10

ydi for using "swinger" out of term

You just gave a new meaning to FML! =D