By Schizomaniac - 25/08/2015 17:33 - United States
Schizomaniac tells us more.
Thankfully he's only a PE teacher. Not to discredit PE teachers, but at least he is not in a position to actually provide information to students. This guy is an absolute nutjob. These are real claims he has argued in the past: -evolution is a lie (no surprise) -dogs are more intelligent than chimpanzees -our most sophisticated equipment can't see outside our galaxy (lol) -humans are the only animals that rely on fruits and vegetables for food And many, many others. He's the type of person to argue with a chef because he read a cookbook. It's sad.
Top comments
Well at least you're not related by blood, so that's one good thing.
I JUST saw this after I put my comment in.. :/
Does he also think the sun orbits the earth?
No, no, the elephants stand on the giant turtle, and the earth sits on the elephants, and a small sun travels around the earth, and sometimes an elephant has to lift a leg to let the sun pass through. I read it in a book, so it must be true.
I read it too. Just the other day, a man carrying a sign saying that the end is near gave me a leaflet about how the aliens are going to take our sperm in the night, and that Obama is using them to invade Texas. I believed him. After all, printed words can't lie. That's totally a law or something.
#71 Go troll somewhere else.
But what sex is the turtle?
133, the turtle is female of course, as revealed in another book I read. Once an eternity she travels back to the giant red star to watch her babies hatch. Each with their own set of four elephants and small disc on their backs.
He's probably acting stupid to piss op off lol
If he wasn't just doing a really good job of messing with OP... I find it genuinely frightening to know that even one person like him exists. Not that I don't realize the world has no shortage of nitwits, so I guess I should be frightened regardless.
Don't know how many teachers there are like that, but there seem to be plenty of idiots in places like Texas and Mississipi that _want_ them to teach that kind of bollocks, and try to pass laws to that effect.
This made me think of some weird science site that actually went into great detail trying to explain how the earth could actually be flat.
I actually had a student who was (unironically) a flat-earther. Luckily, she was in my creative writing class and not a science class. She was a pretty decent writer, though. But the whole flat-earth thing was weird.
Apparently there are a whole lot of people who think the moon is a fakw
gym teacher
Ah, that makes sense...
As stupid as I think this guy is, I don't think it should affect your life
I guess you can say he thinks the universe revolves around him.
Technically, on basis of the theory of the universe infinitely expanding everything is the center of the universe. You are, he is, and I am.
Thou art God. So am I, and so is everyone else.
Feel bad for his students

Does he think the earth is flat too?
Well at least you're not related by blood, so that's one good thing.