By Screwed - 09/11/2012 04:02 - United States - Rockville

Today, my crazy bitch of a boss fired me for inappropriate conduct. Apparently my "fake Nazi accent" is "offensive to our Jewish coworkers." I'm German. I have no way to change the way I speak, or to pay this month's bills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 078
You deserved it 2 031

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DKjazz 20

"Nazi accent"? Nazi isn't a dialect or a language. It's a political group. What does a libertarian accent sound like, I wonder?


Seems your boss was just looking for a reason to fire you, no matter what the excuse. But firing you based on your accent sounds like discrimination to me.

Yes, that is because it is discrimination. OP's former boss is an ignorant fool, and needs to be taught the error of their ways, with crowbar.

Shadow_Phantom 26

How ironic... your boss is the one being offensive, since... German ≠ Nazi. FYL.

Pretty sure firing someone for being German is a lot more, are there any higher-ups you can report your boss to? File an unfair dismissal complaint thing?

NereidAlbel 14

Seeing as how you are from the US, this IS the correct time to sue. Federal law actually forbids firing somebody based on nationality,'re about to retire off your former employer.

She has no right to fire you because of your accent. Bring her to court for wrongful dismissal.

Amajean 7

Sue. It was a bullshit reason for letting you go. The moment that the boss hired you, they should've realized hey so and so's German. So yeah sue.

Although I usually think that Americans sue too often and for some really stupid reasons - I would agree, sue. Accent is not something you can readily change just because you travelled to a different country - I know it from experience, it's enough that I say three words and everybody knows where I come from. There are some people who find it easier to change the accent - I guess they have an incredible hearing and also just same innate ability to do this - but for most of us, it's not possible at all if we don't start learning another language when we are 3-4 years old.