By schooyou101 - 04/12/2012 00:53 - United States - Prairie Village

Today, my crazy psychopath of a neighbor sent me an email with the subject, "So, about your sex life." I've been sitting here for 20 minutes staring at it because I'm too scared to open it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 879
You deserved it 3 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's when you send a reply email with the subject line as, 'So, about your restraining order...'


I bet it says "Now that I got your attention, let me tell you about a great deal at ...."

Spottedfeather 7

How did the neighbor get your email ?

Eh, it might be nothing. Perhaps they thought an email would be easier on the two of you and really just want you to keep it down. Or they notice the lack of activity and wish to give a few pointers?

ScaryLullaby 10

Get a restraining order then he will stop emailing you.

chrissy2 28

OP better come back and tell us what the email actually said! I want to know so bad..

shawnagreenbean1 9

Awww, come on OP. I wanna know what it saaayyysssssss. READ IT AND TELL US WHAT IT SAYS!