By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 14:26 - United States

Today, my crush was walking up to me and I put my earphones in, playing hard to get. When I heard him say something about a date I take an earphone out and say, "Oh, I didn't see you there!" His response, "They're not connected to anything," holds up the end of my earphones and walks away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 383
You deserved it 131 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are such an idiot. This is why girls need to stop playing hard to get, they just make themselves look stupid, or you will do it too much and the guy will give up. How about just saying "Hi" next time like a normal person? YDI

ssophie7714 0

HAHAHAHA, at least he notices you!


Haha. I do that same thing, although I'm not trying to get, but instead ignore people, on the bus. I'll get on the bus and even though my iPod is dead from being on all day, I'll tuck the loose end in my pocket. Only backfire ever was when someone talked to me and I responded. The jig was up.

YDI for intentionally playing mindgames.

I've gotta jump back in to address those advocating playing hard to get. While the timeless art of seduction(Seinfeld fans?) is part of the appeal of the chase, they simply end up wasting everybody's time. My wife made me suffer through the annoying "he's just not into you" last night and I was irate with it after thirty minutes. ******* games will get you nothing but heartbreak. As the Bard so perfectly put it "to thy own self be true". Treat others as you would have them treat you. Good for love and good for life.

awww poor you but YDI for trying to "play hard to get" and failing.. lol i would've done the same thing though..don't worry, it happens to the best of us! To the people who left her such mean comments, She might have panicked like a normal infatuated teen would've reacted.. so stop judging her and calling her names. Smh, ya'll are acting as if you didnt go through teen life.

With a first impression like that, he'll be the one who's hard to get, not you. YDI, you dumb, shallow bitch.

dancing_bear 0

#81, we should all act like the OP just to show that we're "independent women"? Yes, of course throwing yourself at a guy, abandoning all the rest of your life for him, isn't a good thing to do, but personally I'd prefer to show that I'm a mature and independent woman by simply talking to a man like he's my equal, not by acting like an untouchable princess. Can't people just treat each other like normal intelligent human beings? All this trying to prove you're one thing or the other (hard to get, independent, not stuck up, etc.) is so pathetic.

How does he know there's no music playing in your head? I wear my headphones all the time with nothing playing. It's just what I do. Playing hard to get though, it's generally a bad idea and it just makes you look stupid.

whoahanna 0

EPIC FAIL. if you're going to be retarded and play hard to get, at least know what you're doing. You just made yourself look like a loser and blew your shot at a date. YDI