By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 14:26 - United States

Today, my crush was walking up to me and I put my earphones in, playing hard to get. When I heard him say something about a date I take an earphone out and say, "Oh, I didn't see you there!" His response, "They're not connected to anything," holds up the end of my earphones and walks away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 383
You deserved it 131 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are such an idiot. This is why girls need to stop playing hard to get, they just make themselves look stupid, or you will do it too much and the guy will give up. How about just saying "Hi" next time like a normal person? YDI

ssophie7714 0

HAHAHAHA, at least he notices you!


To sum up these brilliant comments: owned!

#19 .. when u let ur eart win woaahh thats what you get when you let your heart win wooaahhhh .. sry. that just made me get that song stuck in my head anywaays nxt time plug it in !

jesus, what you did isn't playing hard to get. what you did is obnoxious and makes you seem stuck up. Playing hard to get basically translates to not making yourself overly available. Don't call the person constantly, dont always say yes to the first date they propse ("OH Id love to go out with you, but I already have plans for Thursday night. Would you be available Friday or Saturday?" Get it? You dont want to act uninterested, you just want to show that you have an actual life.) What you, OP, pulled just came across as immature and probably made it look liek you weren't interested in your crush at all. Therefore. You totally deserve that one. Grow up a bit and then try dating.

moogleluvr 1

Because asking someone out isn't difficult enough when the other person is being normal, right? Way to go.

it's funny that when you like someone your first instinct is to hide or avoid them. if you are crushing so bad and he by some miracle has come up to you, talk to him.

mylittlecrow 0

Way to go loser whoooooo... Playing hard to get always works;)

To all the girls bemoaning "playing hard to get," as an adult, its not a game. Its just asserting independence and self worth. Playing hard to get doesn't mean playing games. It SIMPLY means not making yourself available all the time for a object of your affection. REAL men ARE attracted to this a) because they don't see it as a game and b) because they WANT independent women that aren't going to drop their lives for a guy. And men like the chase to a degree. You are too easy? They will potentially lose interest. And its not necessarily a primal need (although one could agrue that as well), its because they dont want someone that will be dependent on them or only be happy because of them. Again Independence.

I don't understand "hard to get". I like Joe. Joe likes me. He isn't creepy. We are compatible. Let's go out. Yay fourteen month relationship and still goin' strong! (His name isn't Joe...)

Don't ******* play hard to get. This isn't a damn game, act like an adult and be legit.

See, this is why most girls get on my nerves. They try to analyze everything a guy does and they try way hard. ACT NORMAL. If he was your crush and he was obviously coming over to you, why the heck would you put your earphones in and ignore him? What is that gonna do? Just talk to him like a normal person. But now he probably thinks you're a bitch or uninterested like #76 said. YDI