By Anonymous - 07/06/2009 14:26 - United States

Today, my crush was walking up to me and I put my earphones in, playing hard to get. When I heard him say something about a date I take an earphone out and say, "Oh, I didn't see you there!" His response, "They're not connected to anything," holds up the end of my earphones and walks away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 383
You deserved it 131 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You are such an idiot. This is why girls need to stop playing hard to get, they just make themselves look stupid, or you will do it too much and the guy will give up. How about just saying "Hi" next time like a normal person? YDI

ssophie7714 0

HAHAHAHA, at least he notices you!


kiit23 0

Whether the headphones are plugged into anything or not, it still blocks out some noise, so you couldve still played it off like you didn't hear him. You still deserve it for playing hard to get though.

krisFrAnHeehar 0

#9's right, and Im a girl. Okay first of all why the **** would wearing earphones make you "hard to get" even if the WERE connected to something he would have either he saw you put them in and thinks your not interested or would think your and idiot for watching him stand there moving his mouth and not realize he was talking to you. YDI and would have made yourself look like a bitch/jerk/idiot either way :)

Ok ok. First off YDI. Playing hard to get is another way of saying "I'm stuck up". Just don't do it. And second, FYL for posting this and getting no sympathy. I feel genuinely bad for you. But still... how'd you manage to not plug your head phones in? Once again, YDI.

LMFAO! YDI! That's sadd... Haha yer crush is funny! What's his number [; WTF #41 Girls aren't idiots, this one is, not ALL are, piss off!

sexwithamonkey 0

First, playing hard to get is just stupid, and second, you didn't plug them in. 2 great reasons for clicking YDI.

lobstar 0

Yeah OP is an idiot. I hope he forgets all about you and you don't get your date. Would serve you right for playing stupid mind games with him. Maybe this will help you learn your lesson.

Lucky19 0