By skinsfan7592 - 08/02/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, my dad and I had an argument. Then we went outside to shovel the snow out of the driveway. I heard him yelling and figured he was just yelling at me some more, so I turned my iPod up so I couldn't hear him anymore. Turns out he had fallen, cracked a rib, and needed help up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 151
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pepetto 0

you couldve atleast glanced at him! People usually yell for a reason.


Wow. You both got hit with instant karma. Poetic justice sucks, doesn't it? Have fun sorting that one out.

vvbrittxv 0
azreal_13 0

lucky maybe you'll get your way more often

who can't get up beacause a broken rib. your dad must be like 80

you should of listened to what the screams where because although i dont want to hear what people are screaming about i always take a listen and if it's nothing important then i go back to what im doing

calibabe4real 0
Professor59 2

This dude's FML for next week: Today, I found out my key doesn't work on my front door anymore. My parents changed the locks. The good news is, they put my iPhone in the box of my crap that was on the porch.

VulcanCrist 0

never walk away mad. you never know what could happen