By skinsfan7592 - 08/02/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, my dad and I had an argument. Then we went outside to shovel the snow out of the driveway. I heard him yelling and figured he was just yelling at me some more, so I turned my iPod up so I couldn't hear him anymore. Turns out he had fallen, cracked a rib, and needed help up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 152
You deserved it 44 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pepetto 0

you couldve atleast glanced at him! People usually yell for a reason.


awsomepk 0

s'ok he was being a dick head. don't sweat it. it was his own fault anyways.

These things happen. You and your dad will laugh about this, but I would wait the 8 weeks or so for the ribs to repair!

jordan14011 0

that's funny shit I woulda left his ass

yea it snowed a ton on sunday this is not fake

Iluvmuff 0

how is this an FML ur dad got hurt, big deal! maybe u should get him to post an FMl on how his child is an ignorant piece o crap:p

bugmenot1 1

wow op i would have kicked him again

wow.....ur a ******* moron. How the hell don't u c ur dad down on the ground in pain? You are just a huge idiot. If i heard my dad screaming, I would atleast check it out to make sure everything is ok. Even if you had gotten into an argument with him, you still could've prevented him from getting seriously injured.

lol that's what he gets for being a dick

ur an asshole. I hope you break ribs and get no help.

doomsdore 0

i turn my ipod up to drown out ma parents all the time....... soz about ure dad tho