By skinsfan7592 - 08/02/2010 15:19 - United States

Today, my dad and I had an argument. Then we went outside to shovel the snow out of the driveway. I heard him yelling and figured he was just yelling at me some more, so I turned my iPod up so I couldn't hear him anymore. Turns out he had fallen, cracked a rib, and needed help up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 151
You deserved it 44 092

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pepetto 0

you couldve atleast glanced at him! People usually yell for a reason.


ninja_ness 3
congratz13 2

Wow...I mean, usually there's a bit of a difference between "I'M SO ANGRY!!" yelling and "HELP I CRACKED A RIB!" yelling. Just saying, OP.

You dumb, ******* piece of shit teenager. Be a bit more of a baby. Please. It'd almost be impressive you useless sack of garbage.

Lattenkiste 0

That was a bitch move OP. Your dad should beat the shit out of you after he gets out of the hospital for pulling some shit like that. Way to have his back man. Way to have his f***ing back.

i wudnt be surprised if ur dad wrote a story like urs to except its like my daufhter ttally ignored me

Big whoop. My dad and I had an argument and _I_ went out to shovel snow alone. When I got back in, he was dead. Soyeah, your life is so-totally ******.

Crazybae 0

thts what happens when u iqnor ur parents !

jhowe72192 0