By Anonymous - 09/03/2011 01:15 - United States

Today, my dad bought a one hundred dollar collectible light-saber. He plays with it. In the front yard. With sound effects. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 768
You deserved it 7 946

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I wish my dad did that. He's pretty awesome imo.

mightymaurer 0


FYLDeep 25

Well now that Star Wars Kid is all grown up, he can finally ditch the golf-ball-retriever.

TKello 6

And you're complaining because he didn't get you one to join in with the fun? Yeah I can see the FML in that one. Otherwise...shut up and admire your dad! After all, that's your future! :D

.... And? You should be glad your dad has a sense of humor.

it's better than your Dad playing with his other light saber in the front yard... you know what color that one is.

Bend over and take the giant stick out of your ass. Your dad is awesome. You on the other hand need to learn to have fun.

TinyDude 10

Hes catching up on the childhood he was deprived of xP

denvan 0

Let the force be with your dad. You should be jar jar binks