By paige - 01/04/2011 03:18 - United States

Today, my dad came home drunk and called me hot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 730
You deserved it 5 791

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

There is nothing wrong with admiring what you've created... I know I do every time I take a dump... unless it's one of those damned automatic flushing toilets...

matt1990 0

at least he didnt call u ugly. stop bein debby downer.


tbonea1990 0

its not that bad unless he tried screwed u

Anybody else hearing banjos softly twanging in the background..?

you grow up to marry your own father

ilikepie22313 5

they say they truth is all that comes out when your drunk ya know?

xDancer101x 0

wow your dad is a bad drunk

Liyce 10

The best part about this is that she's from Ohio.

robert75266 0

u are probably just super sexy. send me a pic

atleast someone in your life called you hot...