By Anonymous - 16/01/2016 04:16 - United Kingdom

Today, my dad made me figure out how to disable the adult content filters on our internet. He spent what must have been a full 10 minutes on a distracting, long-winded speech about how he doesn't want to look up porn, but "it's just the principle of the damn thing". Sure, dad. Sure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 872
You deserved it 1 698

Same thing different taste

Top comments

mds9986 24

To be fair those filters are a pain in the ass. They block things for no reason because they get wrongfully flagged.


We all like ****. Tell me I'm wrong people.

#18, Yeah but judging by your name, I'm guessing you do more than most ;-)

How dare you attempt to stop scientific research?! Rebel scum!

Yeah.. The scientific research of the human organs, am I right?

Well, he has fathered you and he still does not know the "principles" of *******? Hmmmm....?

AScooterman 12

At least move the computer to a more private place, last thing you actually want to walk in on... if you know what I am saying.

PaleGuy 5

YDI the internet is FOR ****!

Install a key logger and send the results to your mom. he he

Big_Bear99 19

Yea, sorry. YDI. Next time tell him if he can't figure it out, he needs to go back to magazines.

He's upholding his principles by holding up his dick.