By SkinsCastSelection - 17/01/2011 09:53 - France

Today, my dad’s best friend, who has been his business associate for the past 28 years, took me to a Star Wars store for my 18th birthday. He put on a Darth Vader helmet, and imitating his voice, said: "I am your father." I laughed. It wasn’t a joke. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 884
You deserved it 3 490

Same thing different taste

Top comments


NO ONE CARES youvr said this on like 5 things alreadyyy !!!

#22, When you've just brought a child into the world and you're male.

smiledhugf 0

agree with 39 my dads a duche my stepdads the one I care about

Props to the guy for being creative, at least. In all honesty, if it's the truth, then you can't run away from it. He might have been against just blatantly saying it out loud. Some people are like that. But you have to deal with the information.

#34, you said that you couldn't think of anything worse than what happened to OP, but then went on to say that you could, in fact, think of something worse. Maybe think about your wording before spilling the beans.

Luckysam1984 0

At least you were told BEFORE the dad that raised you died. I was not.

Be lucky you have a Star Wars store in your country.

h8 2 break it 2 u but he's not ur dad the man ur mothers married 2 (or divorced from) is ur father tht guys just one of the biggest assholes tht ull ever run into in life