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By Anonymous - 26/03/2009 16:36 - United States

Today, my girlfriend came up to me and told me we would never do anything sexual in our relationship. She said I was too adorable to take seriously in bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 137 094
You deserved it 10 551

Same thing different taste

Top comments

In my experience its the adorable ones that make the best lovers. She's missing out.


just because she said that you don't have call her a bitch. you could be a little more consite and not be such and bitch yourself

willthelaxlegend 0
PSYqualiac 17

168, That's not being a bitch. That's called a test. She loves him, but for him to have sex with her, she wants to see another side in him, one that's not so cute and cuddly, but more badass and sexy without having to be an asshole.

In my experience its the adorable ones that make the best lovers. She's missing out.

Probably cheating on you and saying that so she can feel better inside.

You know, I had this situation once. The proper reply is to say "Humor me" and then totally blow her mind.

Jabulls 0

******* LOL. This is like someone telling you that you have incurable cancer. A Jawdropper indeed. I have no asshole comment for you sir, you've been burned enough today, good day.

xd3box 4

This is nothing like someone telling you your life is over, ********. He can find another girl, but I don't think people can switch out bodies. People can make cancer jokes, but don't ever compare it to something like this. No one can know how it feels unless they have felt or have people describe the pain and the pure fatigue from radiation treatment. Bitch please