By Anonymous - 22/08/2014 18:41 - United States - Doylestown

Today, my dad stopped me mid-sentence and said he wanted to punch me in the face and set me on fire for using the word "selfie". FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 117
You deserved it 42 998

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And then you take a selfie of you with him in the background, setting you on fire. All about that #selfie


That is the correct response to the use of the word selfie

I don't get why everyone is saying YDI. Selfie is an official word now; it's even in the Oxford dictionary. Yes it's annoying that every time I turn around someone is talking about one, but the use of the word alone isn't justification for that threat.

I hope that sentence wasn't "But first let me take a selfie". If it was, then you deserve it.

Why so much YDI? I think the word selfie is annoying and stupid but it's not heinous and it's easier to say than "picture of myself".

OP, if you came here for sympathy after saying #selfie, you came to the wrong place

vlader08 13

he knows he's ugly and can't selfie :) joking though he is immature for his reaction imho.

I don't understand all the YDIs. We don't know the context. There are so many contexts of the word "selfie" that would be completely okay and that shouldn't initiate such an alarming reaction from the OP's own father. All we know is that she used the word.