By garage - 27/01/2010 06:21 - France

Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction. Oh it was funny alright, except I was so scared that when I saw him through the mirror I reacted by stepping on the gas. We now have half a garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 722
You deserved it 8 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Hehe. (: *He* deserved that one.

I approve of your attempt to murder Ed Cullen. If I saw a glittery gay vampire I'd probably try to mow him down with my car too.


advocate117 0

Forget about the garage door, you killed Edward Cullen! :D

Critter456 0

ROFL!! I thought I was the only one to use his pic as some kind of target practice! made my day!

LaChina305 0

omg that's so funny -giggles-

tchaikovsky93 0
starberries 0

Your reaction on seeing something in your rear view is to step on the gas? Should not be driving.

KataraTheBender 0

Ha ha this is a true "blaming dad" moment.

budd28 0

LMFAO ... u were scared? if any thing I'd thought any girl would be ecstatic to see him lol

Okay I love Twilight, but I busted up laughing after reading this. I don't think it's so much that it was Edward Cullen as it was a person's cutout right behind OP's car while backing out. Any cutout like that would have scared someone, because they'd think they were about to back over someone else. Of course, the brakes would have been a better option than hitting the gas. Favorited! I am in tears from laughing so hard and I don't even know why. lmao

Kirlyfoo 9

I thought vampires dont have reflections?!