By garage - 27/01/2010 06:21 - France

Today, my dad thought it'd be funny to put an Edward Cullen cutout behind my car as I backed it out the garage to see my reaction. Oh it was funny alright, except I was so scared that when I saw him through the mirror I reacted by stepping on the gas. We now have half a garage door. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 722
You deserved it 8 606

Same thing different taste

Top comments

realggirl 0

Hehe. (: *He* deserved that one.

I approve of your attempt to murder Ed Cullen. If I saw a glittery gay vampire I'd probably try to mow him down with my car too.


sorry, but i cant show any sympathy for you because how f-king stupid can you be if you see a cardboard cutout of a celebirty and believe its that actual person??? wow thats dumb, but overall thats a hilarious prank!

I had to muffle my laughter in a pillow when I saw this. Your dad rocks. FYL anyway. If I was legal, I'd probably have floored it too. And hit my head on the window in the process, knowing me. To those who keep thinking that this is fake, it MIGHT be, but you definitely need to read it again. The person clearly was reversing when the light hit the cutout of the human disco ball. She/he also clearly stepped on it WHILE IT WAS REVERSING and the garage door was HALFWAY OPEN. The car may have taken out the bottom half of the garage door, therefore leaving the person with half a garage door. The top half. And in a moment of panic, you wouldn't remember that human disco balls reflect into the mirror, although in New Moan (

New Moan... The new porno about a werewolf, vampire, and human gangbang.

PLEASE learn to drive first! Idiots who confuse the gas and brake pedals annoy me..

icy716 0

Go kill yourself for liking him then go kill your pops for having a cut out of him

ArchieWrath 0

You win for attempting to kill the douchebag. Even if he's a cutout.

why would you even be backing out of your garage before the door was open. YDI for being an idiot.

I_Like_Kittys 0

That wasnt an Edward Cullen cutout, It was a Robert (gay) Pattison cutout... FHL for having one