By shakyhands - 22/03/2011 02:48 - United States

Today, my dad was stupid enough to think that the kitchen sink is a good place to clean a gas tank. Now, the whole house smells of gas fumes and I'm about to pass out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 748
You deserved it 4 218

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just open the windows for some time. Problem solved.

summerbaybay 0

quick suggestion-get out of the house!


Well u wouldnt have that problem if you would just huff the fumes away!

pimpinpimp 2

light a match while announcing "I wonder what this will do!"

How about instead of going online and typing your super funny story out for, you open a window or leave the house if you think you're going to pass out? Sounds like your dad's stupidity is hereditary.

RoxxyHustle 7

I find it funny you posted that before yoou left the house and as you were about to pass out... FYL but not because of your dad. it's his house lol

it may be cliché but I some how feel there is a "you might be a redneck" comment in here some where but I'm going to be the bigger person

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yet you had time to post an FML sounds pretty serious ....