By gotmilk? - 22/09/2015 13:41 - United States - Pompano Beach

Today, my dad was telling me some childhood stories. He mentioned I once started sucking on a cow's udder when I was 2, and I asked why didn't he stop me. His response: "You were an accident and I wasn't good at the parenting thing". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 659
You deserved it 1 848

Same thing different taste


sailorarctic 22

of course, this fml is from Florida

kylerzz 15

that's ****** up im sorry OP. /:

Nothing wrong in getting milk straight from the natural source. Lots of country kids do that. With a calm cow no problems. And are more healthy than those city brats who only know milk comes from a sterilised bottle which grows on a shelf in supermarket.

Who is supposed to suck on a cow's udder? A baby cow. Are you a baby cow? No. So don't suck on a cow's udder, or get a person or machine to do it for you.

That's a really crappy thing for him to say, OP. I'm sure that even if you were an accident he still loves you very much and wouldn't give you back if he had the choice.

Usually they are pretty calm but there's always a few in every bunch that are really jumpy/kicky...and there's always a couple that insist on laying in their poop instead of the fresh clean straw...

You know he's being honest. That's exactly what a bad parent would say.

it looks like he loves you alot thats why he feels that he was not good in parenting and should have done more.

BeenIt 5

Seems he still isn't any good at it. Shame!

It's kinda cute how the daughter didn't want to leave so she just made you friends