By bad date - 13/06/2012 04:42 - United States - Bennet

Today, my date made me pay him for picking me up, and taking me back home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 365
You deserved it 3 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments


unknown_user5566 26

Are you sure you didn't hire your "date" from an escort service?

bbedoll89 2

Um I defiantly wouldn't have paid anyhing

shelikeslurpee 0
ScrewedUpMess 15

I'm going to vote FYL, but I think you're better off without that cheapskate in your life OP!! :) x

Double standards in females, don't want to pay for date, but expect to get all the equality in the world, harden up princess and pay half. Having said that I usually pay for everything I don't mind paying