By embarrassedmom - 31/08/2013 23:48 - United States

Today, my daughter and I were driving home when our truck broke down. A police officer stopped and offered to let me and my two year old sit in his car for the A/C. When we got in, I sat her on my lap, and she pulled down my tank top and screamed "Boobies!" right in front of the officer. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 332
You deserved it 4 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

awww, but that's how little kids are; full of curiosity and I'm sure the officer laughed and was understanding. this is cute in an awkward kind of way. save this memory to embarrass her later. XD

nattynatters 14

As embarrassing as that is I bet he's seen way worse. Have you ever seen Cops?


StiffPvtParts 43

I bet he didn't think much of it, I wouldn't anyway ^_^

It was probably a refreshing change from seeing drunk chicks doing it. Undoubtedly funnier too.

ducksaretheshit 17

It could be worse, you could be a guy with boobies.

perdix 29

Wow! Your daughter instinctively knows how to pay for rides without using cash.

Was this taxi cab confessions? Lol sounds like the cop may have gotten a lucky peak, but honestly not anything he hasn't seen... Many times over. Honestly boobies aren't a big deal. ... Still love em but not a big deal.

Can't blame her though. She's just a kid.

ViviMage 38

I'd slap the kid that wanted to see mine.

At least you were in a cop car with only the cop present. I was not so daughter decided to do that to me in WalMart.

jw90 18

She was just trying to get you a ride home OP