By MotherofET - 11/07/2011 04:23 - Australia

Today, my daughter announced on Facebook that she is directly descended from extra-terrestrials. That would be okay - except she's 25 and believes it's true. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 329
You deserved it 4 508

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this is just a shot in the dark, but is your daughter Lady Gaga? cause I would believe her if she was.

Make sure her 'real family' doesn't beam you up and probe your personal parts. D:


"Luke...I am your father." oh wait op is a girl =

dinodannyrawr 5

she sounds like youb brought her across the border allian hoe.

dinodannyrawr 5

you should of checked her mons vaginal hole tk see of she was carrying any drugs inside during birth.

I think you're the one who needs to be checked for drugs..

sandythongs 1

i agree i think you parents need testing

Well, just say that one that we told you we're your real parents and not adopted, we forgot that we had alien masks on. Hope this clears things up :)

mismonroe 0

However she can explain her extreme enthusiasm for anal probing, right?

That wouldn't be okay regardless of age!

*sigh* There is a VERY simple soultion for this. She posted something on the internet which she can't prove. All you have to do is reply to her post with: "Pics or it didn't happen" And she has no come back for that. Problem solved.

Photoshop some calamari onto family photos. OP's daughter's problem solved, unfortunatly.

TaylorTotsYumm 10

But squidward isn't an alien.