By inboxbuddies - 16/06/2009 10:35 - Saudi Arabia

Today, my daughter asked me if we could make sticker art. Of course I said it was OK so she went to get some stickers. I wondered where she was going when she walked into the bathroom, but I didn't ask. I left the room and when I came back, her paper was blank and my pads were stuck to the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 516
You deserved it 5 963

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's more cute than anything else, if that had happened to me I'd have just laughed. I mean, pads are pads, they're nothing to be embarrassed about.

notFUNNYtoMEass 0

ya, cause you know you have to be watching them EVERY second of the day. god forbid they actually go do things on their own. you must have never been around kids.


Gabby125 0

moral of the story: use tampons.

I'm more curious about the train of thought of this kid. I never considered doing that with my mom's pads when I was little. Maybe I just had more common sense, because I was still an inquisitive kid. That said...not really a FML.

#17 you are right i saw a video on AFV last week where that happened

Haha, #23, you are so right FYL for using pads!

I_Love_Isms 0

uh, saw this on funniest home videos of a little boy who thought they were airplane stickers. Not an original thing, kids will be kids. To those of you who say the parent was not attending the kid... uh, you don't watch them every second. Grow up. But really, this isn't even funny anymore because I've heard it soooo many times. Definitely not an fml either. Though a lot of fmls are just for laughs. Still, I don't think it should have gone through.

reddilocks 0

yes that's what I was going to comment on. I saw that on TV and it was the first thing i thought of when I read this

to all you "bad parent watch your kid" have no idea what having kids is like, and if you do, last thing the world needs is more "helicopter parents" who's children have never been trusted to be alone for 5 seconds. This is funny though, your life is not ******. hope you took some pictures to show her date on prom night!

What is it about tampons/pads that attracts kids so much?

Maybe the fact that parents wait 9 years to explain what they are?

tk89 0

You have some of the worst grammar I've ever seen. This FML hurts my face.