By blazer - 30/06/2009 00:40 - United States

Today, my daughter asked me what is the youngest age at which you should start having sex. Being a good mom, I said that she shouldn't have sex until after she's been married. My daughter then said, "Oh... shoot," and walked away. My daughter is twelve. FML
I agree, your life sucks 79 069
You deserved it 14 683

Same thing different taste

Top comments

likeanoutlawbayb 0

you should keep a better eye on what your twelve year is doing and who she's hanging around with

@164 - Losing your virginity is a consequence of having sex? Shit I wish I had have known that sooner!!!


leos1991 0

She's probably just going through puberty and is getting urges

Jeez! Well, that's..... yeah. Make sure she hangs out with the right people, and she doesn't go to parties you think that are bad...etc. etc.

Meowff 0

It doesn't mean that she has, it means she was going to or wants to. Tell her about STDS and what they do to ruin your lives, and my mom told me she'll kick me out if she finds out I'm pregnant/having sex/had sex. That scared me enough to wait until marriage. I couldn't even think of living alone. My dad wouldn't take me either, and when my mom kicked me out, she wouldn't let me take anything. Not even my money.

isn't there another FML very similar to this? ..anyhow, she might just be saying that she didn't want to have to wait that long. Not too much better, but at least it's better than her having sex, right?

tNa693 0

anyone that thinks that the majority people these days are going to wait til marriage to have sex are just ignorant. Im 17 and a virgin but Im not waiting til marriage, Im just waiting til I find someone worth while and somewhat special. I think this story is disgusting because if this 12 year old is having sex then she is going to regret losing her virginity at such a young age and probably in a precarious relationship. As a mother it is your responsibility to talk to her and explain the importance of sex and the effect that it can have on ones life. Also why didn't you ask more questions after this little interaction. If I had a kid and they said something like that I would be like "what are you talking about?". It is within your power to make this a positive talk instead of an "FML"!

xPediophobia 0

...thats fuckinggg messed up!

Copy there is one exactly like it except the daughter asks when the parent first had sex then says "beat ya" pretty similar if you ask ne

Damn....Kids are getting to be more like ****** at younger ages...even if she didn't have sex her thinking seriously enough about having sex to ask a parent, is not cool. lol 188- agreed

dramakat11 0

You ARE NOT a good mother to tell your daughter to wait until marriage. Waiting until marriage is the STUPIDEST thing you could do. Let me put it this way...would you buy a car without taking it for a test drive? What Puritanical bullshit...I was horny as hell when I was 12. I went through puberty very early. I got my period when I was nine. Girls are going through puberty earlier and earlier. Face the facts and be real with your daughter. The best thing you can do is educate her about safe sex and healthy relationships. Talk to her openly and honestly to try and give her the best understanding of all of the social, mental and physical risks and consequences of having sex but also about the pleasure sex can bring (especially within a loving relationship.) You MUST not leave out any aspect when you talk to her about sex...she's not dumb and she will resent you for it. Furthermore, if you don't tell her the facts she may trust misinformation she hears from peers. Tell her sex can be extremely emotional and that she may not be ready for it until she is much older. Tell her to wait until she is with someone she loves and trusts. Simply "forbidding" your daughter from having sex is stupid because you really have no control over that and she will simply resent it if she really wants to have sex. But, you can positively impact her choices by empowering her with knowledge. I just can't understand the idiotic manner in which parents in our society talk to their children about sex. Many parents instill their children (and especially their daughters) with sex shame and guilt and **** them up for life. Because of parents like you, many women get married with little to no sexual experience and are even ashamed of masturbating and therefore have sexual troubles or even a repressed libido which can ruin a marriage and deprive a woman of one of the greatest pleasures in life. Your daughter should not be ashamed of her sexuality. One of the best things you can do is talk to her about masturbation or even give her a small clitoral vibrator. This way, she can please herself, which is the first step toward sexual empowerment. This might make her more inclined toward waiting to have sex, since she won't feel so desperate for someone else to give her pleasure. Also, she'll be familiar with her body's sexual responses and therefore she may be less likely to feel "swept up in the moment" with a boy. If she is unfamiliar with her body's sexual response, she may be likely to mistake her feelings with a boy for love. Think logically. Resist the stupid Puritanical bullshit you've been fed. Try your best to help your daughter through honest communication, but also understand that EVERYONE makes mistakes growing up. Hope that you can prevent the worst of them by empowering and informing her, and make her feel safe enough to be able to talk to you about her experiences so that if she does do something she regrets you can be there to help her through it and make better decisions in the future.