By dad - 29/06/2009 16:38 - United States

Today, my daughter had just left for a date with her boyfriend. All of a sudden, she runs back in the house screaming "I forgot to take my birth control!" That is not something a father wants to hear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 505
You deserved it 53

Top comments

treli1593 0

WHY would she even say that around you?!

Something to keep in mind: Not all girls who take birth control are having sex. Even girls who have boyfriends and are taking BC aren't necessarily having sex. However, it's also really important for girls to take their birth control /every day/ at a specific time, otherwise it really messes up her body. For all anyone knows, she suddenly realized she hadn't taken it that day, and panicked. ... or maybe she's having sex with her boyfriend.


mansen 15

To all those being sarcastic with 'at least she is using bc and not getting pregnant, kids have sex, blah blah', look at it from the viewpoint of a parent. I have a liitle girl and boy. When they reach their teens, I will do all I can to give them the best info about sex, STDs, relationships, protection, and respect of self. No I will not be one of those ignorant parents that will think my sweet child would never have sex, noooo... But, it would be that shock of my little baby, and matter how old they get they are always your baby, is now exploring in a world of maturity and pitfalls. I would be grateful and proud that they were smart enough to use protection, but, what parent wants to think about their teenage kid, son or daughter, getting it on with the awkward lil stranger that picked them up at the door, raging with hormones too. No, just no. I will gladly talk to them about sex and relationships as awkward and heart wrenching as it will be to know they are growing up so fast. But, don't want the thought in my head about them with another person. Just like kids do not want to think about their parents having sex. Think about all the kids reactions out there to their parents having turn that into a parents reaction on kids you see a parents point of view.

Isa_fml 20

"Mmmm male parts." Hahahaha.

Dasha79 4

That must have been quite a conversation! ;P

As much as I would never want to hear those words, I'd rather know for sure when I should expect grandkids.

beyondneptune 9

Why is the illustration of this look like it's set in the 80's. It was all about aids back then so she should have been a condom instead. OP, it must suck to hear that, but at least she's playing it safe.

I love the fact that the picture is all "As in a human male?"

LookAttMyyLifee 12

At least the boyfriend didn't barge on saying , "oh , I forgot the condoms."