By cheated - 17/09/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law revealed to me that she caught my husband having an affair with her best friend. This was five years ago, and she is only telling me now because he stopped paying her the blackmail money to keep her mouth shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 630
You deserved it 2 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sabraynay 10

As if in-law relationships weren't bad enough, damn...

It sounds like two divorces are in that family's future.

Michael_Kelso 0

I'm kinda thinking the daughter in law is a bit of a ****. First she blackmails ops husband and now she still intends to aid in ruining their marriage because she no longer has any personal gain from the situation.

ikickgingers 15

Nice detective work----however... Mrs Peacock. In the study, with the pipe-wrench. Where is my prize bitches !?!?!?!?!!

You're sadly mistaken... Mrs. Scarlet In the Ballroom, with the rope :D But back on subject, OP you have one hell of a ****** up family.

ikickgingers 15

That wasn't your heart, and it wasn't the story touching you. Just saying. Want some candy? :/

jobsman99 0

That is just sad. So many wrongs here. Why did she now feel she had to tell you. He did a terrible thing. She did a bad thing accepting the blackmail money then after all this she is willing to ruin your marriage for something that happened five years ago. I would not be surprised if she's now having an affair with him. What we don't know is if your husband has been true to you for five years and he just made a horrible mistake, how much you love him, and if you can work out your marriage. Then there is the issue with the new relationship with your son and daughter in law. Get some good counseling and legal help and work out what is best for you. Good luck.

tl;dr. Holy dissertation batman! How arrogant are you to write all of that and expect people to rest that? Negged.

Wow! You've got a good friend there! She told you that your husband had an affair even though he paid her not to! You lucky duck! Dump them both, they're not worth your time. :)

Wow. Your daughter-in-law is one cruel bitch. It's obvious she doesn't care about you and your feelings, otherwise 1) she should have said the unpleasant truth five years ago, when it still mattered or 2) she should have said nothing. Now she probably destroyed your marriage because of some filthy mistake your husband made five friggin' years ago.

ReynshineCutting 10

It doesn't matter when he cheated whether 5 days, years, or decades ago. That right there is grounds for divorce.

Buttsexpirate 9