By cheated - 17/09/2011 04:43 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law revealed to me that she caught my husband having an affair with her best friend. This was five years ago, and she is only telling me now because he stopped paying her the blackmail money to keep her mouth shut. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 630
You deserved it 2 799

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Time to divorce. Is 5 years worth it? Dump that two timer

foxmatrix15 8

Well divorce now seems like the control of ur marriage is gone if both husband and daughter in law don't respect u. Once ur divorce u can say bye to both there's no love in ur family

cupcakesnpot 9

What I want to know is how long did she plan on getting paid for keeping her mouth shut?

Your daughter in law has a problem she Can't Understand Normal Thinking.

perdix 29

He's a chump! He shoulda quit paying about four years ago. Doesn't the dumb SOB know that you pay the blackmail for ongoing affairs, not ancient history?

What a bitch. She obviously doesn't care about your feelings. Any possibility she made it up?

Ouch... not one but two knives in the back. Hubby's a dick and DIL is a bitch. Time for a double-divorce in your family!

Bekavera 4

What a bitch... what's your son think about his wife doing that too you?