By Margo - 15/11/2011 15:16 - United States

Today, my daughter-in-law taught my 4-year-old grandson to burst into tears and yell, "Am I not good enough for you?" whenever I ask her if she's going to have any more children. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 260
You deserved it 64 285

Same thing different taste


YDI. Stop being nosy. There's nothing worse than nosy mother in laws like you.

I don't see why people think its ok to ask married people when they're planning on having children or more children, other people's procreation is none of your business, some people hate children, have fertility issues etc. Unless someone brings up children with you it just shouldn't be a topic to discuss.

YDI, OP. never pressure your daughter-in-law to have more kids. It just gets irritating. Let them make their own decisions.

My mother in law asks too and it's so ******* annoying

jlnotary 33

YDI. Stop being a jerk of a MIL and stay out of your son and daughter-in-law's family planning. Hope you've learned some boundaries by now.

That's her way of telling you to back off.

Well they probably heard that from you a couple of times then

infinite Secret 3

This is a sign you ask about having more children way to often

Lol that sounds an awefull lot like a YOU-Problem. Leave the poor woman alone. She obviously felt the need to do this because you kept on asking her. If she wants to have another child, she will and if not then that's none of your freaking business!!! Let her live her life the way she wants to and stop pestering her about this!!!