By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States

Today, my daughter said "I love you mom", to me for the first time I can remember. She is 16 years old. She said it because I bought her first thong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 976
You deserved it 12 778

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Messed up. I dont think I'd buy my daughter a thong at sixteen. Awkward. D:


I don't see why some of these other people think wearing a thong makes someone a ****. There are reasons behind why people wear thongs besides in a sexual way. Some people wear thongs to eliminate panty lines and also because the regular panties give plenty of wedgies so thongs become a comfortable way to go about every day. I am 14 and I bet I have had a thong since the 5th grade but that doesn't make me a ****. Just because I have gotten a thong and I wear them doesn't mean that I act sexier in any way. I have stayed the same. Not everyone fits into stereotypes. In fact I hate stereotypes and I think they are stupid. So whoever wrote this FML I'm sorry your daughter hasn't said ILY more but don't listen to some of these other people calling her a **** because they don't know you and they don't know your daughter and I'm sure she is not a **** and she probably is a good girl.

BreatheForLove 0

Ok, seriously, I'm fourteen and it's been years since I told my mom I love her. Not because I don't love her, just because I don't say it. So, cheer up, it's like a teenage impulse to say 'I love you' when you parents buy you something. Oh, and I don't think she's a ****, I know many girl, many virgins even, who wear thongs. They're not *****. Don't worry, just becayse your daughter doesn't say she loves you, doesn't mean she doesn't. =]

omg!!!! ******* ****!! she leiks shmex stuffz!! she gunna **** 141082 guyz in dat thong!! aaaaaaahhhh! No. We mostly see thongs as 'slutty' because a lot of ***** do wear them because they're revealing. But being revealing is only one purpose. Other people wear them for other things. I don't wear thongs though, but I got some when I was 14 from my aunt. I find them uncomfortable, it's like a wedgie 24/7. Maybe she thinks her boyfriend will think it's sexy. Nothing wrong with that. Just because someone is associated with sexual things doesn't make them a stupid ****. Most of my favorite FML's are related to sex, but I get A's in school, don't sleep around, and I don't even try to get guys either. I just wait until they come to me... I have a life and am talented. LOL.

amaneylandx3 0

comments about number 8 are priceless(:

JournalKeeper 0

you should kill the girl. i'd kill my child for not saying they loved me. either that or they'll get they ass whooped everyday. if you gave birth to the bitch then you can take her out of this got damn world. sometimes parents really need to put their foot down and right now you need to kill her

you sure ****** her up good while raising her...what a treat she must be...what will she say to you when you buy her first pair of acrylic stillleto heals?? how loud will you clap for your little tramp when the DJ announces "Now on the main stage"? awesome

cuppycake4494 0

she said ILY kuz she wuz excited... its just akwerd for some teenagers to say ILY ...and your daughter isnt a *****...shes being normal...i got my first thong when i was 12 because i needed it for some of my you should be proud that your daughter has waited THAT long to get a thong

tbh if i was the parent i would make her buy one herself. and thongs are just sexy underwear females in the bedroom or on the pull xD

Sparkiee93 3

My mom would beat the shit out of me if I acted that way, with good reason too! You should beat the little b*tch senseless, that's what I would do. I love my mom and I have the decency to respect her, and I'm sixteen next week so don't pull the "she's young" shit. And cuppycake4494, Jesus Christ, you're really stupid aren't you? Don't answer that.