By Anonymous - 10/05/2012 20:33 - United States - Walpole
Same thing different taste
By mylove - 01/05/2009 02:50 - United States
By shoggoth_wild - 27/02/2015 14:13 - United States - Jackson
By chee - 11/02/2009 23:57 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/05/2009 00:20 - United States
By KaLa - 08/02/2009 16:30 - Canada
By Anonymous - 23/06/2012 14:23 - Canada
Gratitude walks
By Anonymous - 30/11/2011 19:55 - United States
By StillAVirgin - 17/10/2016 15:23 - Denmark
By ljjprchf - 13/12/2009 01:29 - Australia
By FoodyFood - 19/03/2012 04:59 - Australia - Adelaide
Top comments
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Show it anywayActually, she expected " the13 year old" to be kind and show enthusiasm for what she says...
I'd have expected "that's great ma *colon capital D*"...then you'd know she meant it
I was a brat when I was 13 too. Just wait a few years we get better :)
Teenagers care more about how they appear to their peers than to their parents. I'll bet if her favorite boy said something similarly heartfelt to her she'd be over the moon. Just be patient.
#94 : we all know that not all the 13yr are like this.... But the majority today is lol i have seen my and my frnds younger sister of 13-15 age... They all are almost as like #91 said lol
Sisters* sorry :)
I'm 13 too and even though I'll admit I'd not get too gushy about it, I'd show more emotion than that. Maybe still an "I love you"
I would be apathetic in that situation. I am a guy, if that means anything (it probably does psychologically). Even if I was just sitting doing nothing I'd be like "That's... Nice." Just the way I am, but I think the daughter was on default reply to mom mode and might not have known what she was even replying to. So I don't think the daughter was intentionally unemotional.
@151 These days EVERYBODY has a cellphone! I know kids getting Blackberry's at 7! I got my first phone at 10 and its not a big deal. I hate how everybody is getting mad over the subject on "kids having cell phones". Let me just remind all that those are NOT YOUR KIDS. And if you think its a bad idea to get your kid a phone than dont get YOUR kid a phone. Stop telling other people how to parent their children properly! there not your kids! SO SHUT UP ABOUT THE SUBJECT!
When I was 13 I would have probobly realized the sentimental value of the resturant...
165 - It's more of a general concern about future generations and the fate of the human race. Or at least that's what I get out of it. Also, it's not like the only children you interact with are your own kids. If kids everywhere are annoying the **** out of you or being rude for a specific reason, I think it's perfectly okay to complain about.
She lets her daughter have her cellphone at the table, and the kid was on it through the whole story. Do you expect her to suddenly give a shit after not paying attention?
To not be a douchebag to your mom, for one...
The mum brought it on herself. If she wants to give her daughter a phone at age 13, common sense would be to also make sure she has manners and knows about etiquette. Simple rules and a little respect go along way.
This is an awkward situation.
YOU'RE one of the select few that care more how their parents see them than boys.
My cousin is thirteen, and she's nothing like this. Some kids just change, no matter how they were raised.
But... But boys have cooties!!! ... And super herpes.
At least it's better then a text saying "fab ma"!!
People like you are the exact reason she said what she said. Just because your young doesent mean you don't know any manners. She should've been kind to her mother, she'll realize that someday and shouldn'tve been an ass.
I would never have shown any kind of disrespect to my mom. She'd never let me get away with that.
I tell my mom i luv her! Even though im 13
Not everyone one likes hearing about their childhood. I forgot most of my life after a surgery that went bad and it's like a fresh start. I'm fine without my childhood and I hate it when my parents try to tell me about it.
You obviously don't remember you're years as a teen very well
I don't know, maybe have a little respect dumb shit
Kids these least she didn't say it by text :)
And bacon. Bacon makes everything better. Bring alcohol too...
Well nows not the time for kool-aid because this comet isn't close enough to the earth or something. To, uh, beam us to our home planet. Or something. (There were two famous kool-aid mass suicides, did I guess the one you were thinking of?)
Well maybe if you send it via text message with a teary face she'll get sad?
I think she has really good txting plan.
Who needs a texting plan when you can have text plus!
Not everyone has iPhone's or iPod's.
You need wifi to use textplus. Not every place you go has wifi.
222- yeah they do
227 - I have friends with blackberrys. It's very annoying. Can't iMessage them. Everyone should have an iPhone. That's just my personal opinion though.
I have an iPhone yet I can not see the difference between iMessage and regular texting
If I see one more comment like "kids these days," I swear.. I would understand if OP's daughter was at school or something and acted like that, but really, in front of your own mother and family? That's a little strange, but that's just my opinion! Maybe.. Just MAYBE.. OP's daughter isn't going through any phase at all, and the whole topic just really isn't interesting to her.
25, what exactly do you swear...? I'm dying to know ._.
It's better off this way. Our minds would not be able to comprehend what she plans on doing.
People have been saying "kids these days" for over two millennia...
"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties at the table, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers." -Socrates Kids these days, indeed.
"Kids these days…" well maybe if you guys raised us better, you wouldn't be complaining about it. ;) But seriously, teenagers are at that age where they're trying to find themselves, figure life out and understand adulthood. We want independence and time to ourselves to sort our lives out, and it's been that way for a long time now. I try not to be, but I know that it probably makes me and my other fellow teens (some more than others, definitely) a bit self-centered and rebellious- we need to figure out how to live in the "real world" for ourselves, you know? So I don't think teens are bad, I think things are just confusing. While it might not be right to be as rude as OP's daughter, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing to be a "typical teenager." Although I will say that some people are really rude, kind of past the point of "weeellllll, it's hormones and stuff I guess." But in those cases, please recognize that rude adults exist too- it's not just "kids these days." Pots calling the kettles black. (; /I'm sorry I write such long comments that are unrelated to the original post. Seriously. FYL, OP, just because… well, you must have felt like shit.
I know that a lot of teens these days are indeed self-centered jerks, but not all of us are like that. Some of us are still respectful and kind to our elders and show emotion when they speak to us. So don't judge the whole generation because some of us are bad. :)
I'm 13 years old, and I don't take my phone with me everywhere I go. Yes, I go on it a bit sometimes, but when someone talks to me, the phone turns off. I don't understand why people my age have no self control or respect. :(
Awhh omg ugh kids these days. They don't seem appreciative anymore. Hang in there OP, i hope she comes up with something good for mothers day.
I appreciate everything my parents do for me. I'm a teenager. People stereotype all of us, and don't give us a chance to prove that we're not all self-centered. Before you say "kids these days," please realize we don't all do that, thanks.
105- you're 21 i dont think you're considered a teen nor a kid.
It pisses me off when my friends get tickets and are hit by other drivers and they get the blame simply because of there age. It's like ageism. And ageism is wrong like racism. You can't charge an Asian more than a white man, so why a 17 year old more than a 37 year old. I hope I can delete this in 20 years when I change my opinion as it will best help me then.
No kid is really typical anymore, really, everyone's become so branched out and different, so it's hard to say "kids these days". You may as well say "people these days", everybody does dumb stuff at some point. It's human.
199- Whoaa, easy there! My younger sister has an iPhone and shes only 10.... She saved up her money for years to get one (from 9 years old to 10) And she turns her iPhone off whenever she's being spoken to.
Since when did teenagers say "Fab"?
Sorrz OP. Next time she asks/tells you something say "Whatevs Guurrrlll"
This comment made me laugh :)
You should've taken your daughter's phone, very cheeky behavior. I hate my generation for so many reasons...
Y?? O em geez i dont get y sooo many ppl thnk havn a phone @ 13 iz such a big deal?? Lyk im sur wen u wer lttl u ddnt care wat ur mom n dad sayd!!1! it isznt tht seryus guyz. Geez. God, someone kill me now. Why do I do this to myself?
This just made my day^
I see seven year olds walking around in mini skirts and listening to Britney Spears. I find that ignoring them usually helps. Society is changing, and although I don't agree with my generation sometimes, there's nothing I can do about it, but live my own life.
50- very few teenagers actually type like that. I don't understand why everyone rapes leet speak when imitating texters. People make grammatical errors, and I've seen the occasional person purposefully use q's instead of g's to be cool, but seriously. Barely anyone texts like that.
I'm so sorry.. Try telling her about how she was conceived see I she pays attention then...
They grow up so fast

Kids these least she didn't say it by text :)
I'm only a year older than OP's daughter, and I would have probably gushed all about it! :') Am I the only one who loves hearing stories about their childhood?