By Cherie - 07/12/2010 18:25 - United States

Today, my daughter told my son that Santa is not real. Of course, being a child, he started to cry. My only problem is, my son is 11 and my daughter is 6. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 184
You deserved it 6 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Santa is real. never doubt it. what's wrong with you daughter?

I believed in Santa until I was 11, too... :/ But the day I stopped believing in Santa was also the day I became agnostic!

mjaebraby 0

The school lied to me about Santa, not my parents. I actually wasn't phazed in the slightest that Santa isn't real. I found out when I was 7

Elle_Fox 2

uhhh so? doesn't mean you have to post it online sheeeeshhh :L