By charma - 11/07/2009 13:14 - United States

Today, my daughter was telling everyone at her elementry school about my gay partner. Yes, I have a gay partner. He is my work partner and he happens to be gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 170
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude stop bitchin about "ohh you shouldnt have told her hes gay blah blah blah" he is infact gay. why would he lie about that to his kid? plus she probably met him or sumshiz so yeah. y'all are stupid lol. :P

I find it interesting that you are comparing gay people to Hitler and you think they are bad, meaning you must think Hitler was bad. Well I hate to inform you but thinking people are evil and should die because of one thing about them like religion or sexual orientation makes you just the same as Hitler. It makes you a very narrow minded individual who lacks the intelligence to be able to see people for who they really are and not for something they feel or believe in.


Why does this matter? It's just a simple misunderstanding- "Oh, haha, he's not my boyfriend." I don't understand why people find this funny. They wouldn't find it funny if it were two straight people of different genders. The only thing making this "funny" is that people (elementary schoolers, to be exact) think you're gay. And I really don't see how that's funny.

It's funny because it's not just a simple misunderstanding. All the kids in her class will now go tell their parents, and everyone will think he's gay as well as his daughter's teachers. Sure, that doesn't sound like a bad thing, but just because you aren't homophobic doesn't mean the rest of society isn't as well. I don't know what part of Florida OP is from, but they'll probably stigmatize him and his daughter - hopefully she doesn't get made fun of. He can't just go back and correct it and say "Oh haha, he's not my boyfriend." At least not easily. It's unfortunate but true in most America.

Exactly. Depending on what the people in his community are like, it could range from a small misunderstanding to ostracism and harassment.

So basically it boils down to, "A bunch of homophobic assholes will think less of me." Well, that's their problem, not yours, and you shouldn't care what a bunch of homophobic assholes think.

star_ver 0

You still haven't explained how someone possibly being ostracized by a homophobic community equals funny. That's pretty sad, actually. Nothing about this FML is funny.

Oh, well then boo hoo for the person who isn't actually gay and can easily brush off the harrassment by saying "meet my wife/girlfriend." Maybe if more straight people felt the ostracism gay people did we would have less homophobia.

Why should it matter that people think you're gay? As long as your wife/girlfriend doesn't.

cuterthanuthink 0

aww. i would be so embarrassed after that. xD

it's a bird! it's a plane! it's, it's... CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!!!!!!!!!! she strikes again!

Depending on why your daughter absolutely had to know he was gay (when it's really nobody's business) - you may have deserved that one.

TheLordsProdigy 0

Wow, I like how everyone here is trying to be a parent. It's a funny story, so just laugh at it and stop tryna tell him how to run his family. Anyway, FYL haha

car6435 0

well your kid just ruined both ur lives

To everyone saying that he shouldn't be talking about his coworker's personal life with his family: He may have had his partner over to dinner and the topic may have arisen. And it could be an FML because of how the rest of his community feels about gays. Doesn't mean he's homophonbic. So stop being so ******* judgemental. You don't know the whole situation.

u should hav explained it better to ur kid

Oh no! Some people might doubt your heterosexuality! Your life is over!