By charma - 11/07/2009 13:14 - United States

Today, my daughter was telling everyone at her elementry school about my gay partner. Yes, I have a gay partner. He is my work partner and he happens to be gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 170
You deserved it 5 144

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude stop bitchin about "ohh you shouldnt have told her hes gay blah blah blah" he is infact gay. why would he lie about that to his kid? plus she probably met him or sumshiz so yeah. y'all are stupid lol. :P

I find it interesting that you are comparing gay people to Hitler and you think they are bad, meaning you must think Hitler was bad. Well I hate to inform you but thinking people are evil and should die because of one thing about them like religion or sexual orientation makes you just the same as Hitler. It makes you a very narrow minded individual who lacks the intelligence to be able to see people for who they really are and not for something they feel or believe in.


rustyrox 0

I love it how some people can put a YDI spin on absolutely anything. This is clearly, CLEARLY not this guy's fault. There are a thousand ways his kid could have found out his partner is gay. Hell, I remember my parents explaining what 'gay' meant when I was in primary school and wanted to know why one of my friends had 'two mums'. You have to make some pretty massive assumptions to figure this guy deserved it. Occam's razor, people.

Can we please have #66 erased for good, because that is what we call a narrowminded ******* idiot. And btw, not everyone hates gay people. I find it very un-intelligent to hate someone you don't even know because they love people who you don't love....yea, dumb. I LOVE GAYS!!!! Oh look, #66, not everyone hates them how about you go to hell? K, awesome

I can't stand that some people say they hate gays and others say they love them. I love some gay people, I hate others. People should never be judged on their sexual orientation or anything else for that matter. You should make your judgments about people for who they are as a person and whether or not you personally like those traits. "Gayness" shouldn't even be considered when deciding whether or not you like or dislike someone.

I was saying i love gay people to piss him off. But yes, I do agree, sexual orientation does not determine who someone is. Much like skin color, eye color, or of anything else to that degree. I like and hate some gay people too, but not because of the fact that they are gay. Because of who they are.

Gays make hitler look good? so, your telling me that because someone likes the same anatomy that they have, they make a man who killed masses of innocent people look good? You telling me that a man who was incestuous with his neice, and controlled an entire nation through fear, hate, and death is better than a person who wants love? A person who commited genocide. made thousands starve to death and then threw their naked dead bodies into ditches is better than a homosexual? Gay people are people. They need love, and friendship, and everything that you need. You are so stupid I can't even believe that you are still alive somehow. How do you get through life so full of hate and ignorance? It is people like you that makes other people's lives a living hell. It is hate and stupidity like yours that makes life suck sometimes. You are the scum of the earth. **** off

AnaMaree 0

You better whoop that girl.