By charma - 11/07/2009 13:14 - United States

Today, my daughter was telling everyone at her elementry school about my gay partner. Yes, I have a gay partner. He is my work partner and he happens to be gay. FML
I agree, your life sucks 59 173
You deserved it 5 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dude stop bitchin about "ohh you shouldnt have told her hes gay blah blah blah" he is infact gay. why would he lie about that to his kid? plus she probably met him or sumshiz so yeah. y'all are stupid lol. :P

I find it interesting that you are comparing gay people to Hitler and you think they are bad, meaning you must think Hitler was bad. Well I hate to inform you but thinking people are evil and should die because of one thing about them like religion or sexual orientation makes you just the same as Hitler. It makes you a very narrow minded individual who lacks the intelligence to be able to see people for who they really are and not for something they feel or believe in.


go_wings 0

The thing is, maybe the parents of the other students didn't want to introduce their children to the concept of homosexuality just yet. Regardless of your opinions on homosexuality, in this day and age it does tend to have a much more sexual connotation than heterosexuality does, and maybe the parents would rather not explain certain things just yet. Like it or not, the vast majority of the world identifies as heterosexual, and the fact remains that in terms of evolution and furthering the species and blah-blah, heterosexuality is more natural and more common, and so the child, more likely a heterosexual, will probably understand the whole boy-girl crush thing, and may not understand a same-sex attraction. If you would have told an elementary school me, already boy-crazy, about same-sex attraction I probably would have been really confused and would have thought you were making it up (and I'm a 90's kid). Anyway. FYL, I guess, if you're single.

Why did you bother telling your daughter he was gay, of all things you could've told her.

Why does your partner have to be described as gay if he's a work partner? What does gay have to do with his work ethics?

kristenlovesyouu 0

Maybe she overheard something or his partner told her...

blondiee09 0

hahahahahahah THAT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!

BloodyPoisonKiss 0
UWBeautyQueen12 0

Hahahaha!! Kids are so funny!!

elektrafox 0
pwincessa23 1
glambert1998 0