By Anonymous - 11/10/2012 05:08 - United States - Amarillo

Today, my dog overturned and ate my trash, leaving coffee grounds and dog puke all over my floor. She also ate the broom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 635
You deserved it 2 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"******* son of a bitch. I'll teach him to leave me home alone!"


ellytoad 13

Fur, puke, poop, burps, huge messes, awful farts, and lots of love :) hahaha that's what's with dogs. OH yes. Also, depending on the dog, a loyal protector to fend off predators.

Damn she ate a broom? Who do you have as a pet, Clifford the big red dog?

SeepingSarcasm 7

Hope it wasn't the Nimbus2001 broom? I've heard those are rather expensive!

That is something that my dog does all the time

lisakin 13

Try putting chocolate in your trash. I'm sure that'll get it to stop(:

Sure, if you want to come home and find your dog dead.

This is why I don't own one!!! Tooo much trouble