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By AdamwithanA - 11/10/2012 03:36 - Canada - Surrey

Today, I was walking home when I saw an elderly woman struggling with a large bag of garbage. I asked if I could help. I got it all the way to the dumpster and the bag ripped. Inside were about fourteen dead cats. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 685
You deserved it 2 577

AdamwithanA tells us more.

I couldn't tell how many for sure but it was pretty heavy and the smell was unbelievable.

Top comments

You saw too much... Did she say anything? What the hell could have resulted in that?! That would haunt me forever... :(

Oh my God that is terrible! What the hell was she doing with a bag of dead cats?


:( I love cats... Thumbs up if you like cats too

Gotta get rid of em somehow, right? Wrong place wrong time

Is there ever a right time to dispose of 14 cats?

Lol before they die,you could find them a good home where they will be loved and cared fore.

Right place? Pet cemetery. Right time? When you get some god damn force flex garbage bags.

KM96 24

57 ... What do you mean 'before they die'? Because they are already dead ... :/

That was directed at 34. But for some reason my posts are not going through right away,if they even go at all. :-/

Gypsy, dispose doesn't mean, "give away to loving homes."

Yea well you don't put them in a bag for a dumpster. You could bury them in your yard......

Cried laughing at this comment. Dark humour. I like it.

Or clean them up, and have Stir-Fry!!!

Sounds like that cat lady is going through a serious transitional phase in her life. As in she just got laid.

'0' u just...i dont know .....hold on while i get therapy

You saw too much... Did she say anything? What the hell could have resulted in that?! That would haunt me forever... :(

shaubygal 11

well I guess the cats out of the bag...

25- I don't think I've ever laughed at a FML comment so much before, and then felt kinda bad afterwards when I really consider what I'm laughing about. Lol

She was going to sell them to the Chinese fast food place on the corner. Lol

Inheritance 10

Wait so the cat lady was real!?

Crazy cat lady from the simpsons... All those cats she throws at people and misses...

No, just pretend someone is playing a halloween prank, pretend you didn't see a devil grandma and live the rest of your life in denial.

TwiztedYuri 9

a crazy cat lady addiction was broken that day.

This old lady sounds like she could be an animal hoarder.

Poor kitty cats. I wonder if the woman said anything when the bag ripped.

magnetic_aura 26

I don't think anything could make me unsee that horror.

Oh my God that is terrible! What the hell was she doing with a bag of dead cats?

jellycorn 13

Or they'll come back to life and haunt her...

OhDearBetrayal 25

17- Ever heard of a crazy cat lady? They tend to have more than three cats.

... Right. That makes sense. Mass suicide by ******* of mad cat lady.

32 - maybe she saved them up so she would only have to drag them to the dumpster once

-17 wait a second... Could she be the old lady from the other fml? She lures them in with kibbles and kills them...

If she's an animal hoarder, she probably has more cats than she thinks she has.

Agreed, 185 :( Damn those humans... WE SHALL HAVE OUR REVENGE!

You better get your alibi straight right now OP.

I sure hope the court system has other things to do than question a good samaritain about cats. Spell check isn't doing it's job there ^ Go easy on me folks.

Morale of the story: don't be a cat lady. Someone will try to help you and they'll ruin everything.

*moral My apologies if your comment was simply a typo.

This image gives me something in life to aspire NOT TO BECOME. Crazy-Cat-Lady syndrome is a genuine fear...

magnetic_aura 26

I'm single, I've got six cats and now I'm terrified of becoming this woman.

You already have, mate. There are support groups out there, I'm sure if it!

You may want to call someone about that. That's horrifying.

For real. Animal control and the ASPCA!!

Not so much the ASPCA than the BC SPCA. If you didn't notice, OP resides in British Columbia, Canada.

In BC, we have the BC SPCA and Animal Control. Animal Control are the ones who should be notified if there is any abuse that is going on. They remove the abused animals, keep them for a very short period then turn them over to the SPCA.

PETA. They'll give the woman a life sentence in no time.

That would have shocked the shit out of me..Would have reported her to the humane society.

magnetic_aura 26

Yeah, there can't be a good reason for fourteen cats dying at the same time. Hopefully she doesn't have more animals locked up somewhere... Or works for a lab or something. Ick. Too many possibilities, none of them good.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Maybe they came out one by one and OP, just learning his numbers, decided to count out loud?

maxwells_hammer 5

Well he did say about.... I still agree with the D-: though.

I couldn't tell how many for sure but it was pretty heavy and the smell was unbelievable.

What part of BC are you from AdamwithanA? The area could explain the cat ladies xD like in Richmond, there be too many Asians to even have cat hoarding. (I can say that cause I'm Asian myself, not racist) *disclaimer*

challan 19

You poor guy! I have to ask... did you clean up the mess?

Thizzkidsgotgame 7

As he was picking them up as he continued to help? New definition of Super Trooper.

Octain 13

AdamwithanA! Tell us more! D: what did you do afterwards?

Octain 13

AdamwithanA! Tell us more! D: what did you do afterwards?