By The_Waffle - 14/05/2016 17:17 - United States - Cleveland

Today, my dog ran away. Luckily my neighbors caught him before he got too far. Now they won't give him back because they think I did something to him to make him want to run away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 590
You deserved it 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, then your neighbors probably stole it and you should call the cops.

Call the police. They can't keep your dog against your will.


Some people around ohio are unbelievably stupid.

As someone from Ohio, I totally agree.

That doesn't sound too legal to me.

megs925 16

That logic makes as much sense as people who get upset at crying babies.

Legally they have to give it back. If they continue to refuse, call the police. Technically what they're doing counts as theft as animals count as property under the law. Just make sure you have veterinary records handy as well as any pictures you have of the dog as proof of ownership. Source: Friend just went through almost the same situation

Bugg27 15

I'm not a cop caller, but in a situation like that if they refused to give back something that's mine like my cat or dog, a call to the police would definitely be in order. And possibly looking for a new place to live where the neighbours are less dumb.

Dogs chase things...he probably got out when you were leaving and thought he could take a car ride....then saw something shiney and forgot you going bye bye. Either way animals DOMESTIC animals like fresh air too and the pup figured he was safe in the these people NOT HIS HUMANS have him and he's probably sad missing you but they trapped him. The point is call the cops! If you're a good fur parent he's been to a vet at least once so they'd have records, pics, anything to help you if this goes to court (which it may because someone dumb enough to keep your dog is dumb enough to lie to a cop) Gather all the pics you have around of you and the animal and you'll be cool. OR you can stalk them and get the dog to come to you and take it back! But be the smarter one and file the report FIRST or you may end up with theft AND no dog

call the police, that's just ridiculous.

Call the police and make them give your ******* dog back