By The_Waffle - 14/05/2016 17:17 - United States - Cleveland

Today, my dog ran away. Luckily my neighbors caught him before he got too far. Now they won't give him back because they think I did something to him to make him want to run away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 591
You deserved it 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you love something, set it free. If it comes back, it's yours. If it doesn't, then your neighbors probably stole it and you should call the cops.

Call the police. They can't keep your dog against your will.


kiakia0131 23

My dad's dog jumped over the fence and wandered several miles away to a nursing home that is located right off a busy road. Luckily, someone didn't just take him home. He was turned into the humane society and they called my dad so he could go get him. FYL OP.

blackrose1996 11

Call the cops and your lawyer if you have one.

Hey, another Ohioan! But that's illegal, man. You might want to get police involved if you don't get the dog back. Is t chipped, btw? Might be a good thing to consider, as a just-in-case for the future. Makes it easier to get back in contact. If the dog gets picked up by the dog warden or humane society I'm pretty sure they scan for chips automatically.

I have a beagle she will run away just to chase the scent of a ******* rabbit or squirrel

That's because it's what she was bred to do. Hounds are notorious for "nose deafness" (their ears "stop" working when they catch a scent). A solid recall CAN be accomplished with scenthounds, but it's not something I'll ever rely on. My Bluetick stays on a leash when we're not in a secure area so I know your pain.

Taking someone's pet without their permission and not giving it back is illegal I think

you SERIOUSLY need to call the police I definitely would be raising hell if ANYONE EVER tried to keep my FurBabies away from my, my Doxie Lady loves to run once she is off her leash ran 9 blocks once n ended up hanging with the work crew that was working on a house but as I was in a panic running around this amazing lady who was just taking a walk happen to find her and came looking for me with Lil Lady in her arms, long story short sometimes they just love to run it does not necessarily mean you did anything to hurt the dog, I'm so sorry this happened to you but you really REALLY should call the police asap

I've never called the cops for anything, but that would have me on the phone in a flash. This is where dogs being considered property is a good thing. It's theft, plain and simple. I haven't had a loose dog in years because we're careful, but it happens. Growing up, my Collie got out once because my younger brother left the gate open after he picked up dog poop. He thought he closed it, but the latch wasn't secure. Simple accident made by a kid. People aren't perfect and it's unreasonable to expect that no one will ever let a dog out by accident. Dogs are curious and led by their noses. I always had dogs that stuck close so we'd find them on the front porch when we got home, but my Collie was a total dope and would just wander from door to door looking for someone to let him inside their house.

Yeah, that's stealing. You can definitely call the cops on them.