By disappointed - 01/07/2016 03:31 - United States - Rockville

Today, my eldest daughter told me about the sharp pains she's been having for the past couple of days. She also told me how she thinks it's really pointy carrots trying to escape her body. She's 11, and going to middle school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 052
You deserved it 1 486

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't be daft! It's obviously a razor-sharp lettuce-leaf!


Eh, at least she's able to come up with descriptors for her pain? I almost always had trouble describing the pains I felt as a child.

I still do! When I was in the hospital last fall they kept asking me to describe my pain and rate it on a scale from 1-10 and I was like ?????

nativewolf958 5

U should take her to the hospital because carrots can puncture organs and injure her really badly.

Today, my mom made fun of me online about the way I described the pain I've been feeling in my body rather than take me seriously. FML

I don't see what the problem is. So what that she described the pain as being like pointy carrots? She's in pain. I hope she feels better soon and that it's nothing serious.

I don't see what the problem is either. The only "problem" I could see here is OP being upset her child is old enough to be in middle school but is still using "childish" language and descriptions. But that's not a problem... The child is still a child and too many people lack creativity these days. No matter what her age is, she should be able to describe her pain however she wants. Creativity should be celebrated, not condemned.

TabooSushi 24

For a girl her age, could be premenstrual cramping and she just doesn't know what that is, assuming she hasn't had her first period yet. Either way, take that kid to a doctor just to be sure there's not something else going on since the pain is obviously enough to really bother her.

What did she do, eat them whole??? Or does she think the chewed up pieced reunite in her intestines to make a fully formed, really point carrot?

Pretty sure she used it as a description for the pain. Not that she actually thinks carrots are going to puncture her from the inside.

If you're uncomfortable discussing these things, then perhaps you should direct her towards her mother. Or perhaps any motherly figure she looks up to...

YDI for not educating your daughter about her period

saffy66 34

Did it not occur to anyone that maybe she's just describing the pain, and doesn't literally believe there are pointy carrots trying to get out of her body?

I do believe from the responses above that most people got that. Unfortunately, a few people missed the memo.

I thought it was watermelon seeds that you weren't supposed to swallow?!