By BarryShitpeas - 19/09/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom - Cranbrook

Today, my enjoyment of popping bubble wrap was yet again ruined by my excessive OCD tendencies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 658
You deserved it 5 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Did you laugh and then cry after every pop?

Must...pop...all of it... I bet those un-popped kernels of popcorn in the bottom of the bag drive you insane.


That must have really burst your bubble.

perdix 29

If you leave a bubble unpopped in one row and start on the next one, a child in Africa dies. No pressure . . .

TheDrifter 23

Wait, so Rwanda was actually my random pop method? My bad.

\ 28

Every 60 seconds in Africa, a minute passes.

Brandon2916 9

It should be CDO, that's so it's in order, the way it should be, but bubble wrap is very frustrating, row by row it is

It's ok Op that's not so bad, I have little minor ocd moments but I think we all do. For example when I pop bubble wrap I count every one until 18 and then I start over again until 18, I know it's weird but it just wouldn't feel right without doing so..

RedPillSucks 31

You had to try to pop them all, didn't you.

Bluelephant88 5

Here I thought I was the only one who had rules for bubble wrap popping lol

olpally 32

There's not much you can do about that. Have fun!

Try distract yourself by rapping OP. And make sure you video tape it.

Go down a line..,vertical or horizontal....hope one of those words fits into a number you like and the number 10 is usually good for horizontal should be the way to go...