By BarryShitpeas - 19/09/2013 15:18 - United Kingdom - Cranbrook

Today, my enjoyment of popping bubble wrap was yet again ruined by my excessive OCD tendencies. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 658
You deserved it 5 775

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wizardo 33

Did you laugh and then cry after every pop?

Must...pop...all of it... I bet those un-popped kernels of popcorn in the bottom of the bag drive you insane.


I can't even begin to imagine how horrific it must be to have an OCD hit when popping bubble wrap...

I get it if you really have OCD and that's one of your triggers. It hurts when things aren't right and I feel for you, OP. But most people who claim OCD are actually just perfectionists or have anal personality types, in which case it's just about organization and I'm not sympathetic.

Well it's kinda wrong to lack empathy for those who try to achieve perfectionism. And besides, I believe Freud or some other psychologist even said everyone has some slight OCD tendencies. Although some people exaggerate. But I believe I'm a perfectionist and have been told that since 1st grade, due to how much time I take in writing and "perfecting" my penmanship. There's just certain things I gotta keep organized and will fall behind in class because of this. But I can't help it. I don't try to claim that I have OCD. Is that what bothers you about perfectionists?

Oh wait I think I read your comment wrong; my apologies. I reread like twice right now and feel dumb xD just ignore my long ass comment lol. Well I mean the middle part but yeah. Sorry again. I know people that do that and it pisses me off as well.

I understand the need to be organized, but it's that everyone claims to have OCD. Yes, most people suffer compulsive tendencies, but it's not the same. I'm very organized, but I also have to have everything even (volume number, number of bites of food, how much I chew on each side, etc.). I count my steps in each sidewalk section and start over if it's odd. If one hand touches something the other has to. The worst is having only one sock on. I get physically ill if things are uneven. That's a disorder, one for which I'm being treated. I feel for people who get upset at disorganization, but I'm annoyed they self diagnose all the time.

I see what you mean. I know a lot of people are like, "OMG I have to keep stuff in my binder organized. I must have OCD." And I'm like no? Hahaha. But I hope you'll work on that. I know it stops you and slows you down from completing whatever you have to do daily. Good luck (:

Did you try and pop every three and ended out there were only 2 left?

It sounds like your 'enjoyment' is a gateway to your OCD...aka you're enabling yourself. Seek some help.

martin8337 35

It's a jungle out there. Disorder and. confusion everywhere. ....

Sorry. I don't mean to disappoint you, but it's just a young blonde with extreme OCD. Oh, you were talking to the OP? Oh-Kay.

Don't feel bad, OP! I have OCD too, and this totally happens to me too. You popped one bubble, and were then tortured by the uncontrollable urge to keep popping more, until you popped another one just like it, am I right?

You sound like mr monk he is the same way with them