By what did I do? - 25/10/2013 11:54 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my ex boyfriend got into a physical fight with the guy I've been casually seeing for 9 months. Afterwards, they had a beer, a long chat, and decided this was my fault and I wasn't worth the drama. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 198
You deserved it 21 381

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A fight and a beer... that's some great male bonding right there.


knick64 7

I just love it when things work out for everyone!

At first I didn't understand,then I realized you are in makes sense now.

they realized that they were swags...!

Did you wake up this morning and drink a glass of win?

they realized that they were swags..

jdrappi 12

nah, they were planing on how to do a threesome with you, who goes in the pink and who goes in the stinker when it's DP time

You don't casually see another guy for 9 months when your in a relationship.. YDI