By xswitch74 - 16/03/2015 14:36 - United Kingdom

Today, my ex called me up to suggest that we become friends, only so that she could introduce me to her new boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 573
You deserved it 4 213

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WavRace 14

Introduce her to your middle finger. She obviously wants your attention man.

Well, then be a gentleman and tell him about her favorite things to do during sex.


She's not over you... You still have an opportunity to mess up her life

Just wanna clear a few things up.. It was only a week after we had broken up that I was introduced to the new boyfriend, which was pretty devastating. It's all okay now though, thanks for all the support and comments :D It means a lot. I'm doing my best to essentially avoid my ex, and in hindsight it feels good to be out of a relationship with that sort of person. That's all! :D

EmmittKross 7

I know how you feel OP. My ex-fiancé pulled this same thing on me a couple weeks ago.